Leo's Horoscopes | Female.com.au



Born between: July 23rd - August 22nd

The Leo symbol is a lion and the attributes are mimicked by those born under the Leo star sign as they are proud, strong characters who are passionate leaders which unfortunately may be perceived as bossy.

2024-05-17, Friday
Was someone close to you rude without any provocation? Were you the target of unpleasant criticism? You take these slights to heart. Beginning today, and throughout the days to come, you can expect to withdraw somewhat in order to lick your wounds. You need more harmony and gentleness in your love life, and you're likely to obtain that soon. Be patient!
You can interpret the day ahead as an open-ended question about you, Leo. You may have noticed certain physical or psychological aspects of yourself that make you uncomfortable. The day ahead may force you to take action to correct that attitude. If you just share your concerns with a friend or relative, you'll accomplish a great deal.
This is an excellent day for you, Leo. You should find that things are running smoothly and to your advantage. Watch out for those who may want to rain on your parade by bombarding you with information that doesn't really connect with the way you feel. This information is unrelated to the real issues - how you feel and why. Pay attention to your heart.
More than ever before, you'll feel as though it's time to take matters into your own hands and build your future, Leo. You're fed up with living on hope and putting your happiness off until tomorrow. Your determination will be so strong that you may even surprise yourself. You'll refine your approach and make it more concrete in the coming days. Today is the first day of a new life for you.
Today's aspects are suggesting that you take a good hard look at the state of your ego, Leo. Are you too proud or too humble? Buddhists say that the path to spiritual fulfillment lies in knowing how to build a healthy ego while at the same time developing a part of oneself completely foreign to the ego. Are you working hard at this?
Feeling unusually adventurous, Leo? You're often motivated by your idealistic expectations, and the planetary configurations today are going to push you even further on your spiritual quest. Satisfy your desire to discover new horizons and meet new people by saying hello to anyone and everyone you feel like talking to. Sometimes life's biggest adventures begin with a simple action.
Getting out and working with groups could seem especially appealing today, particularly groups involving athletics or other physical activities. This is an excellent day to go out for team sports or attend a yoga, aerobics, or tai chi class. You could also want to make a short trip out of town with some friends. A bit of adventure is definitely in the wind for you, Leo. Enjoy it!
You can expect today to be kind of intense, Leo. Even if you've made a conscious decision not to let anything get you down, you may still harbor some negative emotions from the last few days. Take advantage of this time to relieve stress. Talk to someone close or go out and whack a tennis ball. An artistic pursuit, such as sketching or photography, will help eliminate some of the negative energy.
Your stroll through the universe of possibilities that you so love has come to an end, Leo. It's time for you to come back to Earth and join the rest of us. You have more hope than most people, like the good Leo that you are. You understand that we need your imagination and courage regarding the future! Today you may have to make an important professional decision.
Until now, you didn't know you were capable of managing people with problems. But the so-called poetic universe you inhabit is actually much more realistic than it seems at first glance. People who believe that human reality is 100 percent logical will feel ridiculous when they see the elegant, humane solutions you invent.
Today will be fairly calm in terms of outside events, but your inner world is likely to be in a rush of activity. Today you wish you could find the solution to your heartaches as well as your career predicaments. Youd like to achieve some supreme understanding of the events that took place over the past month. First you must force your brain to slow down. Haste makes waste, as you know!

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